Johnny Cash - Hurt
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here
What have I become
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I will keep myself
I would find a way
Alexandra Savior - Can't Help Myself
چند روزیه که بطرز ناخوشایندی سوزنم روی آلبوم جدید الکساندرا گیر کرده.
چقدر برام حس و حال دلبرانه ولی غمناکی داره.
Soft kiss, my baby wanted it
I could sense it from a mile away
He wants a bit of this sweet melancholy and
He can get it any time of day
‘Cause nothing else can satisfy him
Oh, oh, I can’t help myself
Something comes over me
Baby, whenever you are around
Light dims as he walks my way
I’ve been running for a reason I could never retain
Sweet lips like pink lemonade
When he’s feeling generous he’s gonna give me a taste
‘Cause nothing else can satisfy me
Oh, oh, I can’t help myself
Something comes over me
Baby, whenever you are around
Oh, oh, I can’t help myself
Something comes over me
Baby, whenever you are around
Oh, oh, I can’t help myself
Something grabs hold of me
Baby, whenever you are around
Cat Power - The Greatest
Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or waterfall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
Stars at night turned deep to dust
Melt me down
Into big black armour
Leave no trace of grace
Just in your honor
Lower me down
Culprit south
Make 'em wash a space in town
For the lead
And the dregs of my bed
I've been sleeping
Lower me down
Pin me in
Secure the grounds
For the later parade
Once I wanted to be the greatest
Two fists of solid rock
With brains that could explain any feeling
Lower me down
Pin me in
Secure the grounds
For the lead
And the dregs of my bed
I've been sleeping
For the later parade
Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or waterfall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Bright Horses
و آلبوم Ghosteen با زیبایی هایش از راه رسید.
Sergio Endrigo - Il Primo Bicchiere Di Vino
ممنونم از دست سرنوشت که من رو اتفاقی به مجموعه کارهای این خواننده ایتالیایی رسوند.
بسیار دلپذیره. :)
Il primo bicchiere di vino
Che ho bevuto in vita mia
L’ho bevuto Maria
Alla tua salute
Ricordi Maria
Quelle nostre giornate di vento
Il cielo lo sa
Quante volte mi hai detto di no
Le prime parole d’amore
Che ho cantato in vita mia
Le ho cantate Maria
Sulla bocca tua
Ballavi con me
E girava la vecchia balera
Fu un sabato e tu
Finalmente mi hai detto di sì
Il primo peccato d’amore
Che ho comprato in vita mia
L’ho comprato Maria
Alla faccia tua
Dicevi anche tu
La domenica è triste star soli
Ballavo con lei
Ed a un tratto non ci ho visto più
Il primo bicchiere di vino
Che ho bevuto in vita mia
L’ho bevuto Maria
Alla tua salute
انگلیسی :
The first glass of wine
That I drank in my life
I drank it Maria
Remember Maria
Those our windy days
Heaven knows
How many times have you told me no
The first words of love
That I sang in my life
I sang Maria
On your mouth
You danced with me
And the old dance hall turned
It was a Saturday and you
Finally you told me yes
The first sin of love
Which I bought in my life
I bought it Maria
In your face
You said too
Sunday is sad to be alone
I was dancing with her
And suddenly I didn't see them anymore
The first glass of wine
That I drank in my life
I drank it Maria
Clairo - Sofia